Data Visualization Types

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Data Visualization Types

Identify the appropriate visualization to gain insight through these data patterns. There is the following visualization types

  • KPIs
  • Relationships
  • Comparisons
  • Distributions
  • Compositions

Data Visualizations - KPI

Single value that conveys how well your doing in an area or function

KPI types

  • Net Promoter Score (NPS): how likely is it for a customer to recommend your product or service to a friend
  • Customer Profitability Score (CPS): how much profit does a customer bring to your business after deducting customer acquisition and customer retention costs
  • Conversion Rate: how many leads get converted to customers
  • Relative Market Share: how big is your slice of the pie compared to your competitors in the market
  • Net Profit Margin: the percent of your renveue which is net profit

Data Visualizations - Relationships

Trying to either establish or prove whether a relationship exists between 2 or more variables

Relationship types

  • Two variables: Scatter Chart - comparing Stock Price to Price Change
  • Three variables: Bubble Chart - demonstrating relationship between ROI, Investment Time, and Investment Size

Data Visualizations - Comparisons

Trying to show or examine how different variables change over time or provide a static snapshot of how different variables compare

Comparison types

  • One variable: Bar Chart - Comparing sales of various models of phones in a given month
  • Three variable: Table - Comparing Revenue Per Salesperson, Revenue Growth, and Territory Size
  • One or two variables changing over time: Column Chart - Showing month-over-month Sales and Phone Traffic
  • Three or more variables changing over time: Line Chart - Showing month-over-month Sales, Web Traffic, Account Registrations, Perspectus Downloads

Data Visualiatzions - Distributions

Trying to show how your data is distributed over certain intervals where interval implies clustering or grouping of data, and not time

Distribution types

  • One variable: Column Histogram - Showing how many traders have made one trad, two trades, three trades, etc. Binning things such as amount, frequency, duration
  • Two variables: Scatter Chart - comparing Sales to Revenue

Data Visualizations - Compositions

Want to highlight the various elements that make up your data - its composition; static or if it is changing over time

Composition types

  • Pie Chart: Showing composition of stock names in a mutual fund
  • Tree Map: Showing the composition customer base by how much revenue they each contribute to the whole
  • Stacked Area Chart: Showing the composition of how the number of wins of each team have changed on a weekly basis